Sunday 20 January 2013

Ethically Juvenile

Just because a race is intrinsically juvenile is not to say that they're not also a joyous people.
But that doesn't deny the characteristic of over-arching juvenilia.
The African American is, as the title implies, not all African -
a mixture of varying degrees, but like Obama, there is often
more Caucasian inheritance than is generally recognised.  He's not really
a black leader, if you also factor in his cultural bearings.  

What is quite certain is that African leaders in Africa don't share his liberalism.  In all of post-colonial history exceptions to this maybe found, but they are extremely rare and always thwarted.  Even in the case of Mandela, who merely presided over a transitional period, hindsight reveals him as an exception.  He was, it is undeniable, a culturally and tribal African, but also educated in European law at Witwatersrand university by whites who had no truck with policies of 'affirmative action'.

Oppression of blacks may never again be generally considered right, but considering that
the oppressed aren't always morally superior, perhaps oppression, in context of
the austere straight talking mores of the past, was a practical measure. 
To expect people then, (in a culture where Darwin didn't even dream of calling himself
an atheist) to make the optimistic leap in thinking that black culture was in any way compatible
with a society which was then (unlike now), ethically christian.

This brings us to the question of ethics.  Africans are ethically juvenile - in that
the christian ethic makes a deep impression on them in a way it no longer does for Europeans, or 'westerners' possibly since the early middle ages.  They take to Christ with open arms, and not merely due to the efforts of missionaries.
This could be because Christianity is a stark contrast to tribal codes which are a paradigm
of superstition and fear of the spirits of the dead, and in extreme cases, involve human sacrifice, and justify child molestation and rape.

The innocent give to the world natural emotion & unbridled joy.
Innocence, in the abscence of ethics is easily corruptable, while the price of ethics are 
also the breeding out of innocence.  Cane and Abel are two facets of a single psyche.

 Below:  'Necklacing',  a particularly unpleasant South African custom:

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